An Overview Of The Expertise Of Dr Michael Hilton


Dr Michael Hilton is a former Attending Physician at the University of Pittsburgh Physician – Emergency Medicine Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Pittsburgh, PA. From 2012 until 2015, he served as the consulting/command physician in UPMC Communications and Airline Consultation Pittsburgh, PA. At the same time of 2014 until 2015, he was also serving as an attending physician at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s and Mount Sinai West New York, NY.

Dr Michael Hilton oversaw a group of doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel while they tended to the urgent needs of a wide range of patients in the emergency room. He then facilitated immediate access to medical advice for pilots and ground staff at significant airlines. Mr. Hilton consulted with customers of MedJet Assist, a medical air transport service, on their upcoming trips and evacuations.

Providing Care For Their Patients

Emergency medicine doctors are required to provide care for their patients. They also need to be prepared for the worst: when a patient has an injury requiring surgery or a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. This means that emergency medicine doctors need to be well-trained in caring for their patients, even when little time or resources are available.

Patients who need immediate medical attention but cannot wait for many hours to be seen by an on-call physician congregate at the hospital’s emergency department. You will most likely be seen by a physician specializing in emergency medicine if you have been sent to the emergency room to treat an illness or injury.

You must have a solid understanding of your rights and obligations if you seek care from a physician specializing in emergency medicine. Your rights include being treated with respect, obtaining enough information about your illness, having the opportunity to talk with a physician who is licensed to practice medicine, and having access to all of the healthcare alternatives that are currently accessible.